Southern Cemetery
Located M88 just out of Central Lake towards Bellaire, in Antrim County Michigan
This is the way I have this laid out. When pulling into the cemetery, all the way to the left is section #1. The rows all are written down from left to right. The sections are divided by the path for cars: Names are last, first middle. *denotes an inscription* ** is a comment from me**
Section # 01
Row # 01
Hastings, Claudie..... 1896-1896
Hastings, William ..... died Feb. 10 1893 ..... *aged 32 yr*
Hasting, Robert ..... died Feb 26 1892 ..... *aged 78 years*
Hastings, George..... 1847-1874
Row #2
Hastings, Elijah ..... Aug. 7, 1862..... *father*
Hastings, Roy W...... Nov. 19, 1900 .....
Ida ..... **sm. stone, all it says is Ida, right
next to Large stone of the Smart's**
Smart, Frank..... **mo unreadable** 20, 1899..... *Age 6 mos* **This is a large
stone, Franks names on the L. side
Ida E...... 1865-1901..... of stone, Ida on the front** *
Under Ida's name it says Wife of
Geo. Smart*
Row #3
Blodgett, H.M. ...... **no date** ...... *Co. P. In.Y.L.A.
Blodgett, John ...... 1853-1931
Blodgett, Agnes ...... 1872-1957
Russell, Warren W. ...... Died Sept. 2, 1872 ...... *1 yr 3m 28d*
Row #4
Featherly, Alzadie ...... June 19, 1895 ...... Sept 24, 1896 **Inscr. is hard to read
appears to say Dau.
of C. 85**
Featherly, ...... May 30, 1898 ...... May 7, 1899 **first name is on top of headstone, unable to
read. Inscr. says son of
G.(unable to read rest**
Featherly, ...... May 23, 1887 ...... May 9, 1906 **first name is on top of stone, unable to read** *son of Featherly*
Sisley, Permelia J. ...... 1842-1905 ...... *wife of R.T. Sisley*
**headstone doesn't say
her last name**
Sliter, WM, H ...... 1827-1872
Row #5
Bauer, Andrew ...... 1807-1886 ...... **share a headstone**
Bauer, Agoelane ...... 1806-1893 ...... *his wife*
Montgomery, Milo R. ...... 1875-1943 ...... **share a headstone**
Montgomery, Elizabeth ...... 1878-1964
Montgomery, Lodea ...... 1853-1921
Montgomery, Jean E. ...... June 7, 1909 ...... Aug 20, 1909
Redding, Henry C. ...... **no date** ...... * Sergt. Co. A
8 Mich. Cav.*
**Stone not readable**
Montgomery, Geo. W ...... **no date** ...... * CO. D 19 Ohio Inf.*
Row #6
Ryckman, Samuel W. ...... Born Oct 22, 1822 ...... Died July 20, 1887..... *Aged 64yrs 7 mo's 28 days
Ryckman, Elvira Lincoln 1827-1897
Row #7
Lawrence, Ruth M. 1862-1905 Wife of G.G. Lawrence*
Lawrence, Lilian M. 1887-1901
Beatrice **mo & d unreadable**1891 .... July 14 19** *Dau. of **unreadable**
Lull, Benjamin 1851-1922 **all share same stone**
Ella his wife 1852-1924
Harriet mother 1821-1894
Lull, Homer B. 1880-1941 *son*
Clark, Earl 1887-1900
Clark, Thomas 1855-1890
Jones, Hannah Clark 1859-1931
Norton, Sarah 1865-1883 *Grand Mother*
Row #8
Somerville, James 1870-1956
Somerville, Lena May 1879-1905
Row #9
Curtis, Geo. B. 1875-1927
Patrick, Jane 1871-1896
Row #10
Haskin, Julia A. Born Dec 9 1841 Died Jan 5 1901
Mother **Stone next to Julia's and
that is the only word on it**
Palmer, S.H. **no date** * CO. M
6 Mich Cav
Row #11
Eliza Ferry 1840-1919 **All on same the same stone**
John 1857-1907
Bertha Wright 1861-1885
Ruth 1885-
Lambert, Jesse May 9, 1836 Dec 18, 1905 *CO. G. 7 MI INF Civil War*
Boals, John H. Died Nov. 29 1900 *Aged 36 yrs*
Father **stone next to above,
that is all it says**
Brown, Hiram J. 1857-1917
Brown, Jessie A. 1861-1928 **share stone**
Row #12
Palmer, George N Aug 7 1860 Aug 14, 1921 *Father*
Francis L. Died Apr 11, 1893 **first name unreadable**
*Aged 11y 15d*
**inscrp. at bottom unreadable*
Row #13
Clark, Vernon L. 1896-1957 **share a stone**
E. Rena 18196-1947
Horner, Bessie Gordon Oct 7 1878 Aug 22 1948 *Mother*
Gordon, Willis Aug 28 1873 Apr 23, 1918 *Father*
Row #14
Bradshaw, Carline Agnes 1900-1900 *Dau. of Stephen E. Bradshaw*
Maxwell, Roxanne C. 1892-1970
Carroll, Adah R. 1868-1945 **share a stone**
Carroll, Edgar S. 1864-1936
Row #15
Stimson, Beatrice Drew 1868-1945
Payton, Myrtle Ingalls 1894-1972
Baby **cant read the name** May 11 1901
Mascho, J.A 1882-1945
Mascho, Clara M 1860-1962
Mascho, P.A. 1852-1925
Harrry 1899-1900 **right next to the above**
Spencer, Anna B. 1870-1965
Spencer, Celia 1874-1948
Spencer, Frankie 1862-1898
Spencer, John F. 1855-1900
Spencer, Ann 1828-1912
Spencer, Robert 1866-1937
Spencer, John Died April 9 1896 *Father*
Spencer, Ann 1830-1912 *Mother*
Row #16
Green, Hannah Parkins 1851-1914
**Albert W. 1851-1914 **last name unreadable**
Donaldson, Charlotte A. Nov. 21, 1837 June 20, 1912 *Mother*
Ames, Floyd H. 1891-1979 **share a stone**
Ames, Martha I 1890-1951
Ames, Margaret S. 1855-1931 *Mother*
Ames, George, W. 1850-1909 *Father*
Row #17
Jackson, Amos **no date** *CO. G 6 Mich. H.A.*
**Stone with nothing on it, appears to be the same type of stone as all the other civil war ones**
Stocker, Aaron **no date** *CO. K 2 Mich. Cav.
Stocker, Ann E. Born July 2, 1842
Died Oct. 10, 1898
Empy, Lorrene 1935-1935
Wilson Frank E. Mar 9 1886 Dec 10, 1908 *Son of A.C. & Eva E
Wilson, Eva E. Apr 6 1863 Oct 11 1908 *Mother*
Wilson, Alfred C. Apr 6 1863 Dec 3 1932 *Father*
Row #18
Griffith, Robert N. Nov 5 1857 Dec 3 1932 *Father*
Griffith, Ethel B. 1893-1920
Palmer, Sherman C. 1866-1910
Row #19
Brockway, Elda F. 1860-1944
Brockway, John **no date** *CO. C 5 Mich Cav.
Welch, Bela A. 1869-1952 **share a stone**
Welch, Rosa A. 1871-1960
Doty, Mary E. Oct. 20-1875
Dec 24 1948
Smith, Maud 1883-1971 **share a stone**
Smith, Vernon 1881-1971
Bargy, Sarah C. 1861-1936 *Mother*
Washburn, Hannah M Born Apr 5 1839 Died June 14, 1908 *In my mothers house are
many mansions*
*Sleep mother dear and
thee rest, God called thee
home, he thought it best*
Washburn, Wm Born Sept 18, 1835 Died Sept 20, 1916 *In my fathers house are
many mansions*
Row #20
Smith, Oel T 1882-1965 **share a stone**
Smith, Bessie A. 1883-1975
William Sept 13, 1863 Apr 12 1913 **believe it is in the smith plot**
Elizabeth Mar 2 1861 Oct 19 1933 **smith plot?**
Osborn, Edwin G. Feb 9, 1920 **share a stone**
Osborn, Elizabeth J. (Betty) Dec. 18, 1921- Mar 5 1984
Osborn, Teri Kim May 8 1955 July 28 1983
Row 21
James, Hazel 1887-1970 **share a stone**
James, Alva C. 1883-1968
James, Mary M. 1850-1935 *Mother*
James, Lemuel 1845-1915 *Father* * CO. C. 9th
Ohio Cav.*
James, Nellie A. 1889-1970
Alonzo H Nov 24 1862 May 7 1913 **James?**
LaCount, Lillian B 1871-1942 *Mother*
LaCount, Robert A. 1864-1942 *Father*
LaCount **no date** **no first name, stone looks
like other civil war stone**
Row 22
Jmes, Lemuel **no date** *CO. C 9 Ohio Cav* **prob. same as Lemuel James
above that was with his wife**
Row 23
Burnett, Orlando **no date** CO. C. 5 US Cav.
Mother **no date** **only mother is on the stone**
Zimmerman, Frank D. Dec 31, 1845-Feb 3 1914 **share a stone**
Zimmerman, Catherine Nov 20 1843-Sept 20 1916 *his wife*
Father **no date** **only father is on the stone**
Row 24
Louiselle, Elwood Dec 30, 1940 Feb 22 1941 *Infant Son*
King, Moses 1880-1960
King, Mabel Wilson 1884-1936
Wilson, Richard 1870-1916
Louiselle, Naomi D. 1915-1978
Deforest, Ernest 1896-1913
Deforest, Lula 1900-1919
**Old stone, no names or dates**
Ward, Mary, G. 1887-1974 **all on same stone**
Ward, Levi B. 1879-1949
Ward, Clyde Albert 1914-1914
Brigham, Addie 1879-1918
Archer, Laura Feb 10,1848 Jan 5, 1923 *Mother*
Archer, Thurlby W. June 17, 1830 March 5 1911 *Father*
Row #25
Thomas, Hazel B. 1891-1977
Maxwell, Eliza E. 1852-1936
Maxwell, Arthur 1849-1927
Maxwell, George Jan 25, 1888
June 22, 1915
Reese, **1st name unreadable** 1832-1916
Reese, Seda** 1837 **last 2 letters of first
Reese, David 1832-1910 CO. D 110
Row 26
Clark, Noah A. 1863-1923 *Father*
Clark, Martha J. 1872-1964 *Mother*
Naisbitt, Edward H SR 1906-1983
Naisbitt, Ann I 1908-1981
Clark, George W. 1843-1917
Clark, Calista E. 1851-1915 *his wife*
Burt, Jennie Adams 1886-1968
Oosterbaan, Minnie 1890-1958
**Unnamed and not dated marker, looks like the other civil war markers**
Dolliver, Lewis 1907-1911
Row #27
Harriman, Inez L. 1901-1990
James, Mary Ann 1944 **share a stone**
James, Marjorie Marie 1938
James, Ethel P. 1883-1926 *Mother*
James, Adrian 1875-1939
Row 28
Thompson, Edith May 1881-1956 **share a stone**
Thompson, Billie 1931
Thompson, William E. 1871-1913
Brown, Elizabeth E. Dec 7 1859-July 29,1940 **share a stone**
Brown, John M. Dec 14,1861-Dec 15-1934
Calloway, Herbert E. 1881-1921 *Husband*
Donaldson, Carlton F. Dec 14, 1896 Oct 13, 1916 *Son of Fred and
Ida Donaldson*
Donaldson, Ida M. 1864-1952 **share a stone**
Donaldson, Fredrick 1857-1934
Hosler, Henry 1860-1947
Hosler, Hattie 1856-1913
Row #29
Smith, Will E. 1883-1917
Row #30
Hill, Hubert E 1932-1933
Warner, Arnold B. Oct 10,1872- April 7, 1938 **share stone**
Warner, Vernona M. Sept. 8 1873- Oct 3, 1926
Warner, Annetta Dysinger 1870-1938
Row #31
DeForest, Clarence 1885-1959 *Father*
DeForest, Zimba B. 1857-1945 *Father*
DeForest,Lucinda 1864-1937
Deforest, John 1905-1928
Keller, Andrew W. April 20-Sept 3 1932 *Baby*
Keller, Mary I 1910-1990
Keller, Andrew 1900-1955
Curtis, Frances E. August 26, 1902
Feb. 5, 1991
Curtis, Edmund F. April 17, 1899
April 10, 1939
Curtis, Alden 1902-1965
Laura **no date** **no other than Laura on
the stone**
Row #33
**Marker no name**
Deforest, Kip 1894-1969
**stone no name or info**
Williams, Kate 1867-1942
Williams, Fred 1865-1948
Smalley, Ferna E. 1892-1943 *Mother*
Smalley, Leroy A. 1872-1951 *Father*
Smalley, Leroy A. 1915-1931
Row #34
Kirkland, Alberta Welsh 1922-1997
Welsh, Frances 1882-1961 *Mother*
Welsh, Henry 1875-1952 *Father*
*Jesus Saves*
Welsh, George 1913-1933
Washburn Plot
**no name** Oct 13, 1920 April 20, 1934 *Daughter of Jean*
Versal C. Nov. 21,1912 Sept 19, 1988 *Son*
Anna R. Feb 8,1880 Dec 31, 1961 *Mother*
Lewis S. May 9, 1879 June 29, 1933 *Father*
Barber, Harold D. Apr 19, 1933 Aug 13, 1937 *Our Darling*
Barber, James J. July 13, 1939 Dec 1, 1939 *Our Darling*
Barber, Orson J. May 25, 1889 Aug. 31, 1963 *Michigan PFC CO H 339
Infantry World War I*
Marsh, Eva May Barber Nov 9, 1909
April 16, 1988
Row #35
Deforest, Florence 1891-1963
Deforest, Jess C. 1887-1955
Deforest, Wilma 1882-1934 *Mother*
Deforest, William 1890-1938 *Father*
Hardy, Anna M July 28, 1915-March 20, 1982 *Never to be forgotten*
Hardy, Morton H June 7, 1888-July 17, 1976
Handy, Mattie M 1891-1935 *Mother*
Row #36
Prause,Julius E. 1910-1986 *Father*
Prause,Edith H. 1911-1973 *Mother*
*Forever in our hearts*
Prause, David W. 1933-1934 *Sonny Boy*
Leiter, Dorothy 1928-1952
Dye, Charles R. Dec. 15, 1921 June 26, 1944 *Michigan PVT 26 INF 1
INF DIV World War I*
Dye, Dollie Lambert 1898-1979
Dye, Monroe 1879-1936 *CO A 2 Ohio INF
Dye, Charles March 5, 1887 March 14, 1955 * 7 RES CAV SP. AM. WAR*
Dye, Sybil V 1893-1937
Syer, Henry 1870-1944
Syer, Anna L 1876-1937
Row #37
Loper, Polly J. 1867-1943
Loper, Thomas J. 1862-1935
Stevens, John J. 1868-1946
Stevens, Hattie J. 1872-1951
Vancamp, Eunice F 1901-1971
Fuller, Elsworth 1894-1936
Olson, Dora 1900-1961
Disbrow, Leon W. 1893-1969 *Father*
Disbrow, Rose Drew 1891-1960 *Mother*
Cornett, Glenn J. 1890-1975 *At Rest*
Cornett, Hazel B. Drew 1893-1949 *At Rest*
Drew, Etta A. Little 1869-1938 *At Rest*
Row #38
Ablett, Benjamin S. 1896-1963
Sweeny, Leslie 1896-1993 *Together forever*
Sweeny, Marie 1915-1940
Haney, Mary E. 1903-1993 **all on same stone**
Haney,Stephen J. Feb. 28, 1940
Haney, Henry 1907-1983
Montroy, Martha 1890-1976 *At Rest*
Bolser, Lewis F. 1891-1956 *At Rest*
Row #39
Hayes, Roland 1886-1951 *Father*
Brady, Andrew 1857-1939
Chapin, Eugene W. 1885-1959 *Father*
Chapin, Josephine 1895-1940 *Mother*
Young, Frances B. 1920- *Married Nov 6 1938*
Young, Miller J. 1914-1998
Collins, Minnie 1875-1958
Collins, Thomas 1865-1947
Row #40
Loper, Nettie M June 9, 1906
Loper, Homer Feb 10 1896 Sept 6, 1968 *Michigan Pvt. CO. L 18
Infantry World War I*
Loper, Clair H. July 19, 1936 *Baby*
Harter, Marjorie D. 1926-1939
Harter, Helen G 1895-1965
Harter, Oscar A. 1885-1972
Spencer, Marion Harter 1942-1979
Grandfather 1850-1941
Hott, Harriet L. Gunsolus Sept 13, 1890- Dec 9 1976 *Married Nov 19 1913*
Hott, Ray W. Sept 21, 1889 - Oct 31, 1985
Row #42
Parker, Earl W. 1926-1937
Parker, Mina Mae 1893-1987 *Mother*
Parker, Charles W. 1887-1968 *Father*
Peterson, Eva M. 1913-
David E. 1905-1985
Peterson, Charles W. 1871-1950 *Father*
Peterson, Martha J. 1875-1937 *Mother*
Ballard, Reuben J. 1862-1937
Ballard, Iona D. 1859-1946
Price, Charles 1867-1945
Price, Minnie F. 1874-1965
Horner, Clarence R. Oct 1943
Horner, Robert M. 1916-1969 *Father*
Row #43
Abell, Jeremy K. **no date** *Baby*
Row #44
King, Robert Leroy Nov 20, 1938
Jan 3, 1939
King, John A. 1906-1961 *Married Dec 25, 1925*
King, Marjorie M. 1908-1985
Johnson, Annette Marie King July 10 1935
Feb 26, 1995
Ferguson, Duncan 1865-1946
Moore, Joseph E. 1873-1947
Green, Charles R. Aug 29, 1919 Aug 15, 1944 * SGT. 757 AAF Bomb
Sq. World War II *
Green Florence E. 1890-1966
Green, H. 1891-1967
Kreise, Dennis John Aug 15, 1949 *Our Baby*
Row #45
Welch, Leann Jan 1963
**marker no info on it**
Welch, Treva I 1909-1978 *Mother* *Gone but
not forgotten*
Welch, William A. 1902-1994 *Father* *Gone but not
Smith, Lillian W. 1923-1942
Smith, Floyd F. 1914-1993
Geary, Franklin F. 1895-1944
Bruce, Robert Jackson Jan. 21, 1875- Sept 2, 1942
Bruce, Anna Elizabeth Mar 9, 1880- Jan 16, 1948
Row #46
Gay, Lawrence G. 1918-1968 *ENS A-V (T) U.S.N.R
Hulett, Gertrude A. 1915-1968
Gay, Orpah I 1888-1966
Gay, Rev M.L. 1879-1972
Cutler, Ben F. 1883-1946
Cutler, Bertha S. 1883-1969
Row #47
Burnett, Richard Charles Sept 25, 1944 *Baby*
Mullens, Gail Lynn July 21, 1957 *Precious*
Lambert, Edward Oct. 31, 1887 Sept 13, 1946 *Michigan CPL.160 DEP
BRIG World War 1*
Whitbeck, Ruth Lorraine 1925-1946
Whitbeck, Ivan 1895-1973
Whitbeck, Ronald D. Dec 2, 1929 Jan 14, 1983 *GY SGT. U.S. Marine Corps
WWII , Korea, Vietnam*
Donaldson, Beatrice 1911-1977 *Mother*
Donaldson, Levi Arthur 1909-1971 *Father*
Donaldson, Jimmy Dale 1934-1943
Row # 48
Burnett, Ralph C. 1917-1994 *Married Sept 26,1936*
Burnett, Virginia 1921-
Row #49
Farrow, Cora Barnes 1889-1945 *Mother*
Farrow, Dan W. 1884-1962 *Father*
Adrian, Jean L. Dec 25 1906 Aug. 5, 1993 *Beloved Daughter*
Geraldine Grace 1945
Susan Marci 1948-1950 *Daughters*
Row #50
Wilson, Gerald R. July 27, 1921 Jan 16, 1971 *Michigan CPL Army Air
Forces World War II*
Barber, Adeline 1861-1953
Barnhart, Frank L. 1876-1962 *Father*
Brown, Virginia L. 1916-1993
Brown, Hugh R. Jr. 1917-1991
Brown, Genevieve D. 1881-1973
Brown, Hugh R. Sr. 1881 - 1971
Brown, Jula A. 1912-1958
Row #51
Smith, Frank J. 1878-1963
Smith, Bessie M. 1892-1953
Donaldson, October 1970 *Twin Boys*
Lisk, Rose Marie 1951-1992
Roslyn 1919 **LIsk plot**
Lisk, Paul E. 1914-1997 **has freemason symbol on
his stone**
Cunningham, Mary E. 1899-1990
Cunninham, Don D. 1899-1974
Landon, Alta M. 1896-1975
Landon, John W. 1891-1965
Margraves, Sally Lisk 1950-1976
More Southern Cemetery Transcriptions

The transcriptions of the Southern Cemetery were provided by Penny Hoogerhyde.
We thank her for her contribution to the Antrim Co., Michigan Genealogy pages.
If you would like to contribute cemetery information or your family tree to the Antrim pages, please write to Margaret Fallone
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