Trimble Co. KY Census Index
I have been given permission by the Trimble County Historical Society to type and submit this index for your convenience. Maggie Fallone, website manager, has been kind enough to convert my files and post them to the Trimble County Webpage.
The 1850 Census was the first census to name everyone living in the household. The data taken included Surname, given name, age, sex, occupation, Value Real Estate and Place of Birth. Should you find several listings of interest, I would recommend that you order a copy of the census book from the Trimble County Historical Society. The book is a reasonable price and makes a nice addition to your genealogy library. To find out how to order a copy of this year's census or others, go to the Trimble County Historical Society page. Good Luck with your research.
A part the in introduction from the book: "An attempt has been made to copy as closely as possible the exact spelling and writing on the microfilm of the 1850 U.S. Federal Census. The Mortality Schedule for the year ending in June 1850, has been included to provide information on the people who died before the census was taken.
Donna Stark Thompson published the first 1850 census of Trimble County, Kentucky, with her permission a second edition has been published by members of the Historical Society. There has been some additions made such as: marriages, maiden names when known, death, etc. (This data is in parentheses). Microfilm page numbers are listed, so that one can go back to the original film if they wish to futher check the data."(written by The Trimble County Historical Society)
The following surnames appear in the 1850 Trimble County Census. If you wish
a look up, please contact Joy Muck. Please limit your request to two names (head of households) per request. Also, include the full name of the person you are searching for and any information you feel may help. You also may need to include any variance in spelling. (Example: your info shows the spelling Barns, the Barns spelling does not appear in this index, but the census taker could have spelled the name Barnes. Many of the Barnes in this index have had, in other records, the spelling Barns used.) Please in the subject line type "lookup request". Any addition information added by the Historical Society as mentioned above will be included in your lookup, if that person lived in Trimble County. (including the Mortality Schedule). *I have put a personal note at the bottom of this page.

With thanks to Douglas Garriott, we now offer you the complete Trimble County 1850 census for you to view online. (Douglas is not affiliated with the Trimble Historical Society). Please view the list below and if you see your surname, click to this link to view the actual census. A few helpful hints: After you locate the surname you are interested in, click to Doug's link. Once there look for his index page. Find the one that includes your surname. After the surname, you will find a page number where your surname is recorded. Go to that link to view his complete census listing. Good searching! 1850 Trimble County Census Transcription
1850 Census Trimble County Kentucky
Transcibed by Donna Stark Thompson from Microfilm roll #M432-220.
Pubished by Trimble County Historical Society.
Abbott, Adams, Adcock, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Andre, Andrew, Andrews, Arnold, Arrington, Arrison, Ashby, Austin, Averett, Averitt
Bain, Baker, Baldock, Ball, Banks, Barclay, Barcley, Bargo, Barker, Barkley, Barnes, Barringer, Bartlett, Barton, Bates, Beabout, Bear, Bell, Berkshire, Bermn, Berry, Bibb, Bickers, Bishop, (Black, Slave), Black, Blake, Blakemore, Blanford, Boeloer, Boils, Boils, Boldery, Boof, Booker, Booth, Bosswell, Boswell, Bowers, Bowling, Bowlington, Bowman, Bradley, Brady, Branch, Brent, Brewer, Bridle, Broad, Brock, Brook, Brooks, Brown, Bryant, Buch, Buchanan, Buchanon, Buckhanon, Burdine, Burke, Burnett, Burross, Butler
Caldwell, Callis, Calvert, Cam, Campbell, Canada, Caplinger, Carr, Casey, Cash, Chaffin, Chambers, Chandler, Chaney, Chaplin, Chitwood, Christman, Clark, Clemm, Clifford, Cline, Colbert, Coleman, Collins, Comings, Comly, Compton, Comstock, Conden, Conn, Connell, Conner, Consley, Conway, Cook, Cooly, Cooper, Corn, Cornelius, Cowans, Crafton, Craig, Croover, Cruise, Cruse, Cull, Cunningham, Curd
Daily, Daugherty, Davidson, Daviess, Davis, Dean, Delano, Demaree, Denny, Denry?, Dermut, Dikens, Disere, Dishon, Divine, Dockings, Dougherty, Dowell, Drake, Drue, Dugan, Duggins, Duke, Duncan, Dunn, Duvall
Eastin, Easton, Eaves, Eck, Eddy, Edwards, Elliott, Ellis, Ely, Estes, Estis, Etherington, Evans, Ewing
Fallis, Farley, Farrell, Faulconer, Faulkner, Fearn, Fergerson, Fielding, Fields, Fisher, Fix, Flournoy, Floyd, Foree, Forms, Forsee, Fox, Francis, Frees, Fresh, Frost, Fuller, Fullinwinder, Funk
Galbreath, Gardner, Garland, Garrett, Garriott, Gasway, Gatewood, Gay, Gaylord, Geppher, Gettings, Gibson, Gideon, Gill, Gillaspie, Gillum, Ginn, Givens, Gividen, Glaspringer, Glass, Glasscock, Glore, Goodman, Gorden, Gore, Gossom, Gossum, Green, Greenwood, Griffin, Gulliver, Guthrie
Hague, Haislop, Hall, Hammonds, Hancock, Handley, Handlon, Hankins, Hardin, Harley, Harmon, Harper, Harrell, Harris, Harvey, Hawkins, Hays, Heits, Helm, Helmic, Helms, Hensely, Hensley, Heritage, Hiatt, Hicks, Higginbottom, Higginson, Hill, Hoagland, Hoits, Holeman, Holly, Holmes, Holstein, Holtsclaw, Homes, Hood, Hopwood, Hoskins, Houghland, Howell, Hudson, Huff, Hughes, Hull, Humes, Humphrey, Hundley, Hunt, Hunter, Hurt, Hutton
Jackson, Jacobs, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jewell, Johnson, Jones
Kagal, Kap, Keller, Kelly, Kemper, Kendall, Kendle, Kent, Key, Keys, Kidwell, Kile, Kill, King, Kingway, Kinny, Kiper, Kirk, Kitsinger
Lackey, Lamond, Lancaster, Landfear, Landwell, Lane, Lathrop, Latimore, Lattimore, Latty, Laughlin, Law, Lawrence, Leasure, Leatherman, Lee, Likens, Lindsay, Lindsey, Lockhardt, Lockhart, Logan, Long, Louden, Lucas, Luckett, Lynch, Lynn, Lyter
Maddox, Mahoney, Markley, Marsh, Martin, Mascoe, Matlock, Mayfield, Mays, Mead, Menser, Merritt, Metcalf, Midaser, Mikesell, Miles, Miller, Milner, Mitchell, Moffett, Monroe, Montgomery, Moore, Moreland, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mosley, Mountjoy, Mulatto, Mullikin, Muse, Myer
McCirley, McClelland, McClish, McClure, McColister, McConnell, McCormack, McCoy, McCreary, McCristy, McDonald, McDowell, McGee, McGinty, McGloflin, McGuffy, McGuire, McIntire, McIntosh, McKay, McKinsey, McMahan, McMahon, McManus, McMullin, McRay
Nailor, Neal, Neighbors, Nern, Nicholas, Nicholason, Nicholson, Northcutt, Norton, Norvell, Norwood, Nugent
O'Brien, O'Plinger, Ogden, Olliver, Orr, Osborne, Overton, Owens
Pached, Padget, Page, Palmer, Parham, Parker, Patton, Peak, Pecar, Peek, Pendleton, Penell, Penn, Pennington, Penniston, Perkinson, Perry, Pettit, Phillips, Picket, Pierce, Pierse, Piles, Plomple, Powell, Prichard, Prior, Pruett, Pue
Quinley, Quinly
Ragsdale, Rahinger, Railey, Rains, Ravenel, Ray, Redden, Reed, Reno, Revilee, Rice, Richards, Richmond, Riddle, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Rodgers, Rollins, Romans, Roseberry, Ross, Rounder, Rouner, Rowland, Rowlett, Rucker, Rutherford
Samons, Sampson, Sams, Samuel, Sanders, Saterwhite, Satterwhite, Sawmiller, Scott, Selby, Semon, Shadrick, Sharp, Sheets, Shepherd, Shingleton, Shirley, Shoemake, Short, Sibly, Sidebottom, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Singer, Skidmore, Slater, Slattery, Smith, Smitha, Snelling, Snyder, Sparks, Spencer, Spillman, Spilman, Stanley, Stanly, Staples, Starks, Staten, Stewart, Stipes, Stone, Stratton, Strother, Stutsman, Suddith, Sullenger, Sullivan, Swopes
Tague, Taif, Talbott, Tandy, Tate, Taulman, Taylor, Teague, Terrill, Tharp, Thomas, Thompson, Tilla, Toombs, Townsend, Towsend, Trout, True, Turlove, Tucker, Tungate, Turner, Tyre
Ulyman, Underwood, Ungles
Vandine, Vanhorne, Vaughn, Vaughter, Vest, Violet, Voris
Walden, Waller, Walters, Ward, Wardlow, Watson, Watts, Wayland, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Welch, Wells, Wentworth, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whorton, Wigginton, Willard, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wingham, Winginham, Winn, Wirt, Wise, Witham, Withrow, Wood, Woodward, Woolfolk, Wright, Wyatt
Yarbour, Yates, Yeager, Young
*A Personal Note: If you do find that you have more than one surname from this county, I would highly recommend the purchased of the book. Most of the people who lived in this county back then seem to be related one way or another.
My surname list from this county, and that are listed in this census are: Bain, Barnes, Bates, Crafton, Farley, Gillum, Perkinson, Toombs. As you can see one surname will likely lead to another. I will not be repeating this personal note on the other census indexes.