FIRST GENERATION HAWLEY Earl of Carlisle was born in England. He died in England. He had the following children:
2......i. First Son Hawley born and died in England
3.....ii. Second Son Hawley born in England.
3. Second Son HAWLEY was born in England. He died in a shipwreck. He and his Canadian born wife (name unknown) had the following son:
4.....i. Truman HAWLEY
4. Truman HAWLEY immigrated in 1860 to Antrim Co., Michigan. He died in 1891 in Antrim Co., Michigan. He was born in London, Ontario, Canada. He was a Methodist. His occupation was Blacksmith. He married Mary GILL who was born in London, Ontario, Canada and died in 1896 in Antrim Co., Michigan. They had the following children:
5.......i. Sister Hawley born in Canada
6......ii. Albert Hawley born in Canada. Died in Australia
7.....iii. Lucinda Hawley born in Canada
8.....iv. Phoebe Hawley born in Canada
9......v. Truman Hawley, Jr. born in Canada Ezra Hawley born in Canada
11..vii. Rhoda Hawley born in Canada
12.viii. Joe Hawley born Canada. Owned & Captained steamer bet. Alden and Elk Rapids MI
13...ix. Norman Hawley born in Canada
14....x. Charles Phineas (Phin) Hawley.
14. Charles Phineas (Phin) HAWLEY was born in 1845 in London, Ontario, Canada. He died in 1913 in Antrim Co., Michigan. He was a farmer, and was given 80 acres for his Civil War Service. Was the first known mail carrier in Antrim Co area. He married Hannah FRAZER in 1866 in Michigan. She was born in Michigan and died in 1914 in Antrim Co., Michigan. The had the following children:
15.....i. Hattie Hawley
16....ii. Willie Hawley, who died in childhood
17...iii. Lewis Hawley
18...iv. Ada Hawley
19....v. Ben Hawley Frank Hawley
15. Hattie HAWLEY ran a candy store in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She lived in Grand Rapids.
17. Lewis HAWLEY married Grace ALLEN and had the following child:
21......i. Allen Hawley
19 Ben HAWLEY married Edith and had the following children:
22. i. Danny Hawley
23......ii. Paul Hawley
24.....iii. Max Hawley born Bef 28 1913; died Mar 1987 in Michigan
25.....iv. Norma Hawley
26......v. Lucille Hawley born Oct 8 1911; died Dec 1978, in Michigan
20. Frank HAWLEY was born January 12, 1869 in Antrim Co., Michigan He died May 4, 1968 in Harbor Springs Michigan and buried in Alden, Michigan. Occupation:Farmer; also logged and ran a co-op. Was township supervisor for 25 years. Born in a log cabin. He married Maude PICKARD (Daughter of Eli Pickard and Sarah Jane Lince) on October 16, 1898. Maude was born August 16, 1881 and died January 1961. She was buried in Alden Michigan. Maude was Secretary/Treasurer of the First Board of the Helena Township Library. Frank Hawley and Maude Pickard had the following children:
27......i. Blanche Hawley born abt 1900 Antrim Co.,Mi. Died 1917 Antrim Co., Mi Buried Alden, Mi
28.....ii. Neva Irene Hawley
29....iii. Gladys Hawley
30....iv. Florence Hawley
31.....v. Elmer Dwight Pat) Hawley
28. Neva Irene HAWLEY was born Dec. 24, 1904 in Antrim Co., MI. She died in May 1974 in Fort Meyers, Florida and is buried in Algonac, Michigan. She was married to Thomas Bruce MONTNEY (son of Winslow Bruce Montney and Caroline "Carrie" "Nonnie" Robinson) on Nov 25, 1926 in Alden,Michigan. They lived most of their life on 13 acres in Algonac, Michigan. Thomas Bruce Montney was born on Sept 12, 1885 in Riley Center, Michigan. He died Sept 18, 1976 in Yuma, Arizona and is buried in Algonac, Michigan. Neva Irene Hawley and Thomas Bruce Montney had the following children:
32......i. Mary Ellen Montney
33.....ii. William Francis Montney
29. Gladys HAWLEY was born on April 15, 1906 in Antrim Co., Michigan. She was married to Elmer KIRK on Feb. 12, 1938. Elmer KIRK was born April 22, 1907. Gladys and Elmer had the following children:
34......i. Marian Kirk was born on May 14, 1939
35.....ii. Joyce Anne Kirk
36....iii. John Wylie Kirk was born on April 4, 1946
30. Florence HAWLEY was born on August 27, 1907 in Antrim Co., Michigan. She died on October 8, 1991 in Florida. She was married to Orland C. (Slim) YOUNG on March 7, 1929. Elmer KIRK was born June 20, 1904 and died on September 17, 1972 in Michigan. Florence and Orland had the following children:
37......i. Florence Joann Young
38.....ii. James Gordon Young
39.....iii. Jack Elwood Young
31. Elmer Dwight (Pat) HAWLEY was born on March 3, 1909 in Antrim Co., Michigan and died on October 29, 1990. He was married to Esther SKAGEN. Elmer and Esther had the following children:
40......i. Anne Louise Hawley
41.....ii. Thomas F. Hawley
32. Mary Ellen MONTNEY was born Oct. 11, 1934 in Algonac, Michigan She married Joseph MITTI on November 12, 1955. Mary Ellen Montney and Joseph Mitti had the following children:
42......i. Irene Geralyn Mitti
43.....ii. Mary Grace Mitti
44.....iii. Joseph Gerard Mitti was born on May 9, 1964
45.....iv. Thomas Frank Mitti born on March 12, 1970
30. William Francis MONTNEY was born on April 18, 1928 in St. Clair, Michigan. He was married to Joan Barbara (Slim) HERBER(aka Smith) on Devember 28, 1946 in St. Clair Michigan. Joan Barbara HERBER SMITH was born on February 17, 1928 in St. Clair Michigan. William and Joan had the following children:
46......i. George Bruce (Big George) Montney
47.....ii. Carl William Montney
48.....iii. Ronald Thomas Montney
35. Joyce Anne KIRK was born on September 14, 1944. She was married to Lester Lyman COLEMAN III on July 1, 1967. Joyce and Lester had the following children:
49......i. Kirk Lyman Coleman
50.....ii. Brett Alan Coleman was born Dec. 19, 1972
51.....iii. Clinton John Coleman was born April 29, 1977
37. Florence Joann YOUNG was born Nov. 6, 1930 in Detroit, Michigan She married Kenneth HUFF on March 12, 1949. Kenneth Huff was born on Nov. 22, 1925 in Livingston Co., Michigan. Florence Young and Kenneth Huff had the following children:
52......i. Terrie Lee Huff
53.....ii. James Leslie Huff
54.....iii. Judy Joann Huff
55.....iv. Nancy Sue Huff
38. James Gordon YOUNG was born December 18, 1935 in Gladwin, Michigan He married Joanne Elizabeth FAY on January 12, 1957. Joanne Elizabeth Fay was born on August 19, 1935 in Howell, Michigan. James Gordon Young and Joanne Elizabeth Fay had the following children:
56......i. Susan Lynn Young
57.....ii. Laura Ann Young
58.....iii. Douglas James Young
59.....iv. Carol Linda Young
39. Jack Elwood YOUNG was born on January 31, 1937 in Gladwin, Michigan. He was married to Ruth KNIGHT on August 1964 in Imlay City, Michigan. Jack and Ruth had the following children:
60......i. Baby Boy Young born 1963 in Almont, Michigan - died 2 days after birth
61.....ii. Julianne Young
62.....iii. Nathan Hawley Young was born January 17, 1970 in Oklahoma City, OK.
41. Thomas F. HAWLEY was born on January 5, 1946 and died of cancer on October 8, 1993. His wife's name is unknown. They had the following child:
63......i. Heather Hawley was born about 1979.
42. Irene Geralyn MITTI was born on October 27, 1962. She married Daniel CARR on Devember 4, 1981. Irene and Daniel had the following child:
64......i. Daniel Carr Jr. was born on March 15, 1982
She was then married to Arthur GRABOWSKI on Sept. 21, 1991. Irene became step mother to Arthur's children:
65......i. Christopher Grabowski was born June 29, 1976
66.....ii. Colette Grabowski was born July 7, 1982
67.....iii. Craig Grabowski was born June 23, 1984
43. Mary Grace MITTI was born on July 30, 1958. She was married to Randall PROCTOR on Feb 2, 1987. Mary and Randall had the following children:
68......i. Carrie Lee Proctor was born July 13, 1977
69.....ii. Randell Lee Proctor was born on July 28, 1978
46. George Bruce (Big George) MONTNEY was born on January 1, 1948 in St. Clair, Michigan. He died on June 11, 1982 in Phoenix, Arizona of leukemia. He taught us how to live and how to die. He was married to Yolanda Jean BYERS on Feb 2, 1987. Yolanda Jean Byers was born on June 6, 1948. George and Yolanda had the following children:
70......i. Le Ann Marie Montney
71.....ii. William Forrest (Woody) Montney was born on Sept 12, 1968 in Phoenix, Arizona
47. Carl William MONTNEY was born on November 1, 1951 in Mount Clemens, Michigan. He was married to Amie Lynn BECKETT(daughter of John Noel Beckett and Kathleen Ann Bakondy) on Dec 13, 1985 in Yuma, Arizona. Amie Lynn Beckett was born October 31, 1967 in Waukegan, Illinois.
48. Ronald Thomas MONTNEY was born on December 15, 1955 in Port Huron, Michigan. He was married to Karen Lee WILLIAMS(daughter of Gordon Raymond Williams and Sharon Arlene Mooney) on Dec. 29, 1973 in Yuma, Arizona. Karen Lee Williams was born October 16, 1954 in Syracuse, New York. Ronald and Karen had the following children:
72......i. Brian Thomas Montney was born on March 11, 1974 in Yuma, Arizona
73.....ii. Jennifer Lee Montney was born on January 11, 1977 in Yuma, Arizona
49. Kirk Lyman COLEMAN was born on June 8, 1971. He was married to Christiana Nicole HAND on September 11, 1993.
52. Terrie Lee HUFF was born on September 17, 1949 in Howell, Michigan. She was married to David SEWELL in August 1968. Terrie and David had the following children:
74......i. Donna Kay Sewell was born October 5, 1968 in Ann Arbor, Michigan
75.....ii. John Sewell was born September 1, 1970 in Ypsilanti, Michigan
76.....iii. Michael Sewell was born on November 19, 1971 in Cincinatti, Ohio
53. James Leslie HUFF was born on May 19, 1952 in Howell, Michigan. He was married to Estella NAHAVANDI . James and Estella had the following children:
77......i. Jamie Nicole Huff was born Jan 19 1982 in Chicago, Illinois
78.....ii. Jennifer Elsa Huff was born on July 20, 1983 in Chicago, Illinois
54. Judy Joann HUFF was born on April 6, 1954 in Howell, Michigan. She was married to Ronald Lee BOBO on August 6, 1954 in Washtenaw Co., Michigan. Judy and Ronald had the following child:
79......i. Judy Michelle Bobo
55. Nancy Sue HUFF was born on October 2, 1956 in Howell, Michigan. She was married to Daniel Joseph Forner in July 1977. Nancy and Daniel had the following child:
80......i. Shannon Michelle Forner was born on Dec 15, 1980 in Ann Arbor, Michigan
56. Susan Lynn YOUNG was born on Feb 27, 1956 in Howell, Michigan. She was married to Gary Richard BETZ on June 1, 1957 in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Susan and Gary had the following children:
81......i. Erica Fay Betz was born on March 27, 1987 in Wheatridge, Colorado
82.....ii. Alex August Betz was born on May 6, 1990 in Denver Colorado
57. Laura Ann YOUNG was born on January 22, 1958 in Howell, Michigan. She was married to Jack McKELVEY on October 6, 1984. Laura Ann and Jack had the following child:
83......i. Phillip James McKelvey was born on April 7, 1989 in Farmington Hills, Michigan
58. Douglas James YOUNG was born on Feb 19, 1961 in Howell, Michigan. He was married to Barbara MANUAL on December 17, 1994.
59 Carol Linda YOUNG was born on Sept 22, 1964 in Howell, Michigan. She was married to Kyle Alexander RAMBO on July 2, 1994.
61. Julianne YOUNG was born in August 1964 in Detroit, Michigan. She was married to William GERLACH They adopted the following child:
84......i. Joseph Benjamin Theodore Gerlach was born in 1992
70. Le Ann Marie MONTNEY was born on April 29, 1965 in Phoenix, Arizona. She had the following child:
85.......i. Christopher Montney born in Phoenix, Arizona and was adopted by Martin & Leona Pryor.
Le Ann Marie was married to John Eldon PICKETT on April 28, 1990 in Phoenix, Arizona. John Eldon Pickett was born on November 14, 1955 in Colorado Springs, CO
79. Judy Michelle BOBO was born on August 10, 1970 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She was married to Kurt KOSLOWSKI who was born on Sept 29, 1972 in Wisconsin. Judy and Kurt had the following children:
86......i. Jessica Elisa Koslowski was born on December 31, 1991 in Marquette, Michigan
87.....ii. Tori Shaine Koslowski was born on February 22, 1994.
Please see the PICKARD Family Tree for related information. The Pickard and Hawley Family Trees were provided by William Montney, descendant (#30 on the above chart). I am sad to report that Mr. Montney has passed away (2002) but we leave this tree in his memory. If you wish to view his web page, click here. As of May 2020, the page was still available to view.