The Jordan River in Antrim County, Michigan taken from the Pinney (see note below) / Penney "Penny" bridge. This is about 100-150 feet from where the old logging road passed to the right of this picture, and crossed the river just below about 400 feet, as I remember. I have walked the old grade many times hunting in the area.

Photo and text courtesy of John S Tipton Sr / /
Visit his homepage ( for more wonderful history and photos of Antrim County Michigan. Thanks Sherm!

We ralso received the following letter from Gary Byar / / who is a descendant from the Pinney family. We felt if you have an interest in the Pinney bridge, you might enjoy reading Gary's letter!

I notice you refer to the bridge as the "Penny" Bridge when in fact the correct spelling is "Pinney" as it was named after my Great-Great-Grandfather Curtis Sherwood Pinney. He was one of the original homesteaders in the Jordan River Valley. He fought in the Civil War as part of the 154th NY Volunteers and received a land patent for 160 acres in Sec 34 just Northeast of the Pinney Bridge. There is a family history posted on the Antrim County website that you might like to read. (Pinney Family History ) Our family is trying to keep the spelling of the historic site correct but it is still marked as "Penny" on some maps. We did manage to get the road sign on M-66 changed back to the correct spelling. -Gary Byar

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