Antrim County Michigan photographs dannel howe

Photo 25a,b - Central Lake School Photos 1915 Antrim Co., MI
Contributed by Kathleen Halloran of Traverse City. Please see her notes after the photos

Post Card of the 1915 Central Lake Band

First Row: Thomas Guyer, Emil Corner, Harold Lamb, Dillingham, Art Knowles, Syd Upthegrove, and Cap Smith
Second Row: Harry Smith, Walt Carpenter, Earl Campbell, Guy Wilson, Park Corner, and Dennis Yettaw
Third Row: Frank Corner, Harry Morhwan, Vern Carpenter, O H Sisson, Ray Wallbrecht, Frank Zimmerman, Martin Smith, Don Hastings, Yettan,
Frank Ayers, Blaine Wilson

These names are written by my grandmother, Ruth V Knight (Halloran) and I hope I've copied them correctly.

The Central Lake Class photo includes Art Knowles and his sister, plus on the far right second row, my Great Aunt, Mabelle Knight. I don't have a year for that photo, but Mabelle was born in 1898 and this looks to be a graduation from perhaps 8th grade...which would be about 1915 or 1916. I love all of the "Gibson Girl" hairdos and bows!

Thank you to Kathleen Halloran for contributing these photos of her family.
She found these photos with her father's (John Wesley Halloran) things after he died in 2006.
I am sorry but we no longer have an email address for her.

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