Only one stone, that of two children. The girl died at 11 months. The boy died at __ years, 11 months. I could make out the year on the boy, but nothing on the girl other than "11 months".
George R. Died November 2, 1848, age __ Year, 11 months.
Julia G. Died October 29, 1848, age 11 months
Children of James and Amy Haire
This grave located by a clump of lilac bushes in what is now pasture land back in approximately a 1/4 to 1/2 mile on the HARE property located on the south side of 28 Mile Road. The Grand Trunk Railroad runs through the property. The grave is about half way between the railroad tracks and the river which is east of the railroad tracks.
Transcription and notes from Robert L. DeWees, April, 1970
Further note concerning Haire Cemetery: I am related to the Haire Family - James Haire's wife Amy was one of my 2x gr-grandfather's sisters. I was in Richmond this summer on a research and meet the descendants trip. My cousin and I went out to the property and inquired about the graves. The current resident on the property is a renter who directed us to the owner. We went down the road and visited with Mrs. Hessel who told us she has deeded the property to her sons. They were concerned about the graves and wanted to honor those who had been buried there and seemed to have been forgotten. They met with the Macomb County courts and with the assistance of the coroner, they had the remains moved from the property to a proper burial in the Meade Cemetery (Section 1, 26 Mile Road east of Romeo Plank Road). This email sent to the Macomb Web site August 2006 by email