Macomb County Cemeteries
Located behind the Eastpointe City Hall and Court Building on 9 Mile Road just east of Gratiot Avenue, this small, old church cemetery is on the grounds of what used to be Immanuel United Methodist Church the 1850s until the 1930s, when the new (and current) church building was built on Gratiot Avenue at Semrau, south of Stephens. The cemetery is still maintained by that congregation, which, even today, includes a number of member families with some of the surnames found on these headstones. It is interesting to note that at the top of almost all of these headstones is engraved one of these three similar phrases: "Hier ruhet in Gott", "Hier ruht in Gott", or "Hier ruhen in Gott"(Translated means "Here rest in God"). All but one of the stones is in German, and there was variation in the German spellings of the names or abbreviations of months. Some seemed to be pure German, some English, some a hybrid. They are listed here exactly as found.
Data transcribed April 2, 1998 by Shari Handley - and we thank her for her generous contribution!
Ernestine NIEMAN, Geb. d. 2 Mai 1852 - Gest. d. 18 Dez 1872
William NIEMAN (no dates)
Emma NIEMAN (no dates)
SCHRÖDER - (2 on one stone)
Christian J. SCHRÖDER, Geb. 27 Feb 1825 - Gest. 8 Dez 1900
Dorothea S. F. SCHRÖDER, Geb. 7 Feb 1829 - Gest. 8 Juli 1905
WINKELMANN - (4 on one stone)
August WINKELMANN, Geb. 13 Juli 1820 - Gest. 15 März 1899
Charlotte WINKELMANN, Geb. 8 Dez 1822 - Gest. 31 Aug 1898
CREPIN (on back of same stone)
August CREPIN, Geb. 18 Nov 1850 - Gest. 26 Jan 1911
Karoline CREPIN, Geb. Sept 1855 - Gest. 23 Feb. 1916
Emilie HEISNER, 1850 - 1925
Vater (stone with no names or dates, not obviously a footstone to any of these listed)
(3 on one stone - note surname spelling difference)
Rose K. HAISNER, Geb. d. 24 März 1899 - Gest. d. 26 Dez 1876
Olga HAISNER, Geb. d. 30 Sept 1880 - Gest. d. 16 Aug 1889
Friedrich HEISNER, Geb. 1 Nov 1846 - Gest. 21 Feb 1912, aller 65 Jahr 3 Monat 20 Tage
(2 on one stone)
Henry LANGE, b. June 20, 1859 (no death date)
Wilhelmina LANGE, b. Apr 22, 1858 - d. Feb 8, 1916, age 57 yrs 9 mo 17 days
"Gone but not forgotten; May there [sic] souls rest in peace."
(2 on one stone)
August OHL, Geb. 29 März 1922 - Gest. 25 Nov 1890
"Er ruhet von seiner arbeit und seine werke folgen ihm nach"
Maria OHL, Geb. 18 März 1819 - Gest. 8 April 1903
"Hoffnung und Wonne blüt auch aus schmerzen"
(3 on one stone)
Dorothea GEE, Geb. d. 21 Nov 1828 - Gest. d. 20 Uug 1898
Johann GEE, Geb. d. 10 Ubril 1829 in Drinberg, Mecklenburg - Geft. d. 5 Mai 1897
Johann GEE, Geb. d. 30 Uug 1857 - Geft. d. 15 Feb 1879
The 3 following stones have been broken from their bases and are leaning against a tree:
loose stone - "father"
_riederita KERN, Geb. d. 7 März 1869 in Rofeville, Mich - Geft. d. 17 Mai 1898
(2 on one stone)
Anna Katharine MULLER, "Ehi gallin von Johann Friedrich Muller", Geb. d. 5 Januar 1808 - Gestorben d. 4 März 1887, aller 79 Jahr 1 M. 29 T.
Johann Friedrich MULLER, Geb. d. 22 Feb 1805 - Gestorben d. 25 März 1883, aller 78 Jahr 1 Monat u. 3 Tage
Wm. C. WURZEL, Gestorben den 17 Dec 1875, un aller von 66 Jahr und 5 Monat
Frank KLINGSTEIN, Geb. 20 Aug 1871 - Gest. 30 Apr 1891
(3 on one stone)
Heinrich NIEMAN, Geb. den 17 Oct 1859 - Gest. den 17 Feb 1877, "Ged und Gest Roseville, Mich"
Friedrich NIEMAN, Geb. den 2 März 1825 zu Hof Grabow Mecklenburg - Gest. den 28 Oct 1896
Sophia NIEMAN, Geb. den 14 Oct 1831 - Gest. den 29 April 1899
(4 on one stone)
Mathilde SCHRADER, Geb. d. 7 März - Gest. d. 13 Jan 1881
Sophia SCHRADER, Geb. d. 23 Dez 1828 - Gest. d. 4 Mai 1922
Martin H. SCHRADER, Geb. d. 20 Dez 1876 - Gest. d. 30 Juli 1897
Friedrich SCHRADER, Geb. d. 12 April 1819 - Gest. d. 16 April 1895
(3 on one stone)
Georg J. KERN, Gestorben den 10 Nov 1881, aller 12 Jahr 3 Monat 1 Tage
Mina S. KERN, Geb. 21 Dez 1868 - Gest. 26 März 1869
Minnie KERN, Geb. 21 Dez 1841 - Gest. 17 Jan 1920
(4th side is blank, but says "Vater - Mutter"
(2 on one stone)
Charles BUNERT, Geb. 24 Juni 1824 - Gest. 4 Jan 1903, "Vater"
Caroline BUNERT, Geb. 1 Dez 1832 - Gest. 18 Aug 1907, "Mutter"
(2 on one stone)
Johann SCHMIDT, Geb. 27 Mai 1836 - Gest. 1 Dez 1908
Sophia SCHMIDT, Geb. 24 Feb 1844 - (no death date)
The rest of the graves are all in an area of overgrown scrub in the corner of the cemetery:
"Mutter", (no name or dates)
Caroline NIEMAN, (no dates)
Charles NIEMAN, (no dates)
(2 on one stone)
Emma J. KAISER, Geb. 30 Dez 1863 - Gest. 30 Okt. 1865
Albert F. KAISER, Geb. 15 Juni 1869 - Gest. 18 Juli 1869
Christopher NIEMAN, (no dates)
Minnie NIEMAN, (no dates)

If you have any comments or would like to contribute cemetery data, please email me.
I would be delighted to assist you!
Margaret Fallone