The Mt. Clemens Press
Transcriptions from the early years

Mount Clemens Press

Jan 25 1894

Frank Ameel and mother left Tuesday for Leadville, Colorado, for a three weeks visit with her son.

To the Public: My wife having left my bed and board without just cause, I hereby warn the public not to harbor or trust her on my account, for I shall pay no bill of her contraction. Dated New Haven, Mich. Jan 24th 1894. Madison Carl.

To the Public: I hereby warn all persons not to harbor or trust my wife, Rebecca Killbourne, on my account, for I will pay no bill contracted by her Dated Mt. Clemens Jan 8, 1894. William Killbourne.

To the Public: My wife having left my bed and board without just cause, I hereby warn all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, for I shall pay no bills contracted by her. Dated Erin Jan. 2 1894. Edward Rose.

New Haven. Mr. Sutphin of Cedar Springs is visiting his brother, Nelson Sutphin.

Feb 1 1894

Maj. E. H. Shook, formerly of this city, who was appointed superintendent o the supply division of the post office department at Washington by Postmaster General Wanamaker, four years ago, was succeeded Wednesday by a West Virginia democrat. The removal was entirely political in its character, Mr. Shook having made an admirable officer.

Northeast Chesterfield. Grandma Frost has gone to live with her daughter, Mrs. J. Pruessel.

Romeo. The blacksmith firm of T. J. Nichols and L. E. Lyon have dissolved partnership, Mr. Nichols having retired.

Feb 15 1894

Judge Tucker will look after the removal of the remains of his parents to this city, while on his visit to New Orleans where they are now buried.

The house of Xaviar Brandecker, carpetweaver, on Jones street was discovere to be on fire at 10:20 o'clock Saturday night. The fire department had hard work to locate it, the hook and ladder truck going up Gratiot street and the hose cart down Front street. The hook and ladder boys got there first and were doing good work extinguishing the fire with buckets when the hose cart arrived and turned on a stream, squelching it in a few minutes. The team on the hose cart got stuck fast several times in the mud and had to be given a breathing spell before they could go ahead. The loss was adjusted by the Insurance company at $60. The fire originated from a defective flue.

The following Mt Clemens people took in the excursion to New Orleans Monday, E. D. Wiemann and wife, S B Spier and wife, Henry Bollensen and wife, Col. Robinson, Jos. Schanher, Judge Tucker, Geo. A Skinner, W. W. Lyons, Chas. Bollensen, John Priehs and Chas. H. Meldrum.

New Baltimore. Miss Grace and Herbert Hubel of St. Clair are visiting thei grandmother, Mrs. Doris Schnoor this week.

Feb 22 1894

Jno Parker, deputy state game warden was here yesterday and made complaint against Paul and Jerome Thomas and Theodore and Bert Moore for fishing with a sein through the ice. The men were arrested and their hearing set for March 1.

Fredericka Gamm, a daughter of Peter Steffens of Lenox, sued her father in the Circuit Court for $6,000, claiming to have earned that sum by work for him during the past 14 years. The case was tried at the January term she secured a verdict of $1750. O.C. Lungerhausen, who appeared for Steffenmade a motion for a new trial alleging, that the verdict was excessive that improper evidence was admitted in the trial. Judge Eldredge has entered an order setting aside this verdict and ordering a new trial.

New Haven. A colt belonging to Geo. Ewalts was tied near the Baptist church, Thursday evening, became frightened at a sleigh load of merry-makes, and walked home. Those who came with him did likewise.

Mar 1 1894

Chas. Bruder of Pontiac is visiting his sister, Mrs. Christ. handt.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Adair of Adair, St. Clair Co. are visiting with her siter, Mrs. M. R. Little.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Norville, of Cleveland are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Marquardt.

Three applications for divorce were filed in the Circuit Court during February. Mary E Davis asks the court to dissolve the tie which binds her to Marcolm L. Davis. They were married at Ft. Gratiot June 11 1869. Malcolm jumped the ranch Thanksgiving day, 1893, leaving Mary 19 cents. This did not amount to much when she took into account the fact that she had supported the family for seven or eight years. There are three children aged 19, 10 and 5 years respectively.

Hiram Skinner of Orion hasn't lived with Anne Maria since March 10 1879, and don't want to be tied up any longer. They were married at Sterling, June 5, 1857, and have one child, aged 25.

Geo. E. Cramer left his wife Celina, at East Tawas, in August 1889, and as he has not contributed a dollar toward the support of herself or children since that time, Celina thinks it high time she got rid of a useless incumbrance. They were married at Mt. Clemens in 1880 and have two boys aged 13 and 11 years.

Southeast Shelby. Putnam McClellan and Frank Glaspie will fill their ice houses from Preston's pond.

Mar 8 1894

Chas. Singer sued John Schalm for allowing his chickens to feed on his grain, and wanted damages. The jury brought in a verdict of no cause of action.

Mar 15 1894

Otto Kohler, a former Mt. Clemens boy, is creating something of a furore in sporting circles in New York, as it is claimed he is the strongest man in the world. His father when here run a boat house, and young Otto gave no sign then -- eight years ago -- of becoming an athlete.

The Moore farm house located in Harrison township, two miles from the city was burned at an early hour this morning, the occupants barely escaping with their lives. The house was occupied by the family of John Moore who with his wife and J. A. Turcotte and wife escaped in their night clothes, from a second story window. Mr. Turcotte is township clerk and not a scrap of paper belonging to that office was saved.

Mar 29 1894

An extraordinary breach of promise suit has recently begun in the circuit court by Jennie M Rich, better known as Mrs. Van Dusan, against Sylvanus W Van Dusan of this county, with whom she had lived for thirteen years, for damages of $20,000 for breach of promise to marry. Miss Rich some time ago petitioned the circuit court for a divorce from Mr. Van Dusan, supposing that he was her legal husband. Both the circuit court and supreme court, however decided that there was no ground for divorce, as no marriage ceremony had ever been performed, hence this suit. Miss Rich is now stopping with friends in Wales, St. Clair county. Circuit Court Commissioner Knight issued an order transferring the case form this county to St. Clair circuit, but an appeal from his decision has been made to the supreme court.

New Haven. Mrs. Frank Clemens attended the W. R. C. convention at Owosso last week, as delegate from here.

Apr 5 1894

Dr. J. F. O'Keefe and wife were called to Chatham, Ontario, by telegram announcing the critical illness of his mother, Wednesday.

Mount Clemens Press - 1891 part 1
Mount Clemens Press - 1891 part 2
Mount Clemens Press - 1893 part 1
Mount Clemens Press - 1893 part 2
Mount Clemens Press - 1894 part 1
Mount Clemens Press - 1894 part 2
Mount Clemens Press - 1894 part 3
Mount Clemens Press - 1895 part 1
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