Macomb County, Michigan Queries Page 9
March 1, 2001 to December 2002
I invite you to enter a query for your Macomb County ancestors. Since
all queries must be manually posted by me, I ask that you PLEASE adhere
to the following guidelines.
- Your query must have a Macomb county connection or it will not be posted.
- Please put "MACOMB COUNTY QUERY" in subject line. I maintain 3 counties and this helps tremendously!
- Please be sure to include your FULL name in your letter. Personal home mailing address is discouraged. Just your email address, please!
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DATE: 03 March, 2001
NAME:Bette McIntosh
Looking for information and/or the descendents of George W.
KNUTH, born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1880 to parents Julia and August Knuth.. One time resident of Macomb Co., MI who died in February, 1972.
Thank you for your help and attention to this request.
Bette McIntosh
DATE: 03 March, 2001
NAME:Michael LaForest
Page 962 of "Denissen" says that Mary Philomene PELTIER, b. 1860, Mt.
Clemens, married 1880 in Marine City to Joseph LaFOREST b. 1856, son of
Nicholas LaForest and Teresa Bertrand. Does anyone know the parents of
Nicholas LaForest? Thank you.
Michael LaForest
DATE: 08 March, 2001
NAME:June Smith
Does anyone know who Betty (Small?) GARR is? She was living at 179 Olive,
Warren, MI in 1976 when she signed her uncle's death certificate.
June Smith
DATE: 08 March, 2001
NAME:Mary Jane Hall Law
I am the g-g-granddaughter of Dr. Ebenezer HALL pioneer of Mt. Clemens, MI. Our immigrant ancestor was Deacon Richard Hall of Bradford, MA, who came to America from Stratford-on-Avon in the 1600s. I have several hundred pages done on their ancestry and descendants and am happy to connect with other descendants. Thank you!
Mary Jane Hall Law
DATE: 08 March, 2001
NAME:Bobbi McMullen
Looking for death and burial information on Methodist minister Rev Caleb
Hobson RUTLEDGE. Suppose to have served Mt Clemens Methodist Church
Macomb County in the 1910's & 1920's. The Methodist Library at Adrian
College gave a date of death of 6 Sept 1939 at St Joseph's Hospital with
burial at Erin Grove. The state of Michigan can find no death record
and Erin Grove Cemetery has no record. Any help would be appreciated.
Bobbi McMullen
DATE: 14 March, 2001
NAME:Sherry Jenkins
I am researching the MCREAVY family. My ggg grandfather was James MCREAVEY married to Hannah CALHOON, from Antrim Co. Ireland. They first settled in Simcoe Co., Ontario. I would like to talk to someone researching Grace, Harry, Myrtle Evelyn, Olyve M., Robert G., and Jessie Marie MCREAVY to see if this is the same family. Thanks.
Sherry Jenkins
DATE: 21 March, 2001
NAME:Linda Courter
Per the 1880 Census, my Great Grandfather and his family lived in The Village of New Baltimore, in the County of Macomb. His name was Charles W. WOODGRIFT, his wife was Sarah BRADY Woodgrift. They had three children. Charles 12 years, Alice 8 years and Jennie 6 years. My grandfather was a captain of the schooner Hathaway. He owned this schooner from 1875 to 1881. I am very interested in finding any information concerning this family. Thank you,
Linda Courter
DATE: 01 April, 2001
NAME:Ilah Farrington Allsop
I am searching for the parents and grandparents of my grandparents, Laura A. Walker FARRINGTON and William Austin Farrington. I know Laura was born in Orion, Mich. and William was listed as living in Armada when he married Laura. She lived on a farm in Macombe county but moved near Almont (Lapeer Co.) as a child and went to school in Almont. Neither my father (nor his niece) knew the names of their Farrington grandparents. All I know is from pictures that I asked my dad about. His grandmother, he said, was married to a Farrington who was a sailor and he was a no-count and then his grandmother married a Mr. Rossow. The pictures of her when elderly were in taken at her house in Port Huron. I have searched extensively on GenWeb and Rootsweb and I found Hezekiah on your Macombe site. I find it interesting that he had a son Austin and my grandfather was named William Austin. But the dates are wrong for Austin to be his father. William Austin was born about 1852 (marriage in 1897 when 25).
As for Laura A. Walker Farrington I know she was born in 1876. Her parents were Anson B. Walker and ? Walker. I cannot find anything in Mich. Genweb on him, but I was surprised how many Anson Walkers there are in the U.S. Anson and wife had six children : Laura, Rose, Gertrude, Nora Agnes, Bertha, Jay. Two babies died : Beatrice and (have to look up other).The only ones to stay in the area were Agnes and Gertie. Both married Dubay brothers and stayed in the area. I believe either in Mt.Clemens or by the lake. Agnes' husband was stabbed to death. I have not researched them yet.
I found in the database graves in Richards Cemetery for Hezekiah, Theresa, and Austin and another person, Alice Farrington. But that is not his first wife's name according to what I found on your web site.
I know William Austin (my grandfather) lived around there because I have some neat pictures I found in my grandmother's little box after my mother died. He is pictured with 4 different girlfriends and all have either Romeo or Armada printed on the pictures. The names of the girlfriends are there too. There is also a picture of a picnic (church perhaps?) and his handwriting on the back says Smith's Corners by Lakeville (I think that's what it said). I found this place on the map and it is close to Armada. He is with 15 other young people. One picture was his teacher with a message but no name.
Laura and William Austin did not stay in the area. Wm. was a harness maker and went where there was work. My father was born in Mason, Mich. but the family also lived in Bloomingdale, Gobles, Kalmazoo, South Bend, Ind, and finally Edwardsburg, Mich. William died in 1934 and Laura moved to South Bend where my family lived and died there in 1954. (well, Mishawaka--just a suburb of S.Bend at that time)
I know I must eventually come to that area to research, but I am really stuck now and am not an experienced researcher in genealogy. If there are any records that you know about and would be easy for you to look in I would be most appreciative of a jump-start.
Ilah Farrington Allsop
DATE: 04 April, 2001
NAME:Kevin Kennedy
Looking for a William NEWBERRY the possible father of Winfield NEWBERRY in early 1800s Michigan. Winfield was born about 1849 in Macomb CO., Michigan, died 1911 in Otisville, Forest Twp., Genesee Co., MI.
Winfield's possible siblings include JOHN Newberry, MAYNARD Newberry and MARTHA HURD NEWBERRY.
Found WILLIAM NEWBERRY listed as a Civil War vet in Macomb. There is family lore linking Winfield's family to a Maynard Newberry. Maynard's father is listed as a William Newberry. This family may have been involved in lumber business in Michigan.
Kevin Kennedy
DATE: 09 April, 2001
NAME:Charles & Sharon Papp
SHERIDAN/SULLIVAN 1830'S to present
Owen and Mary SHERIDAN of Lennox Township, Macomb County, MI. Owen is shown
in early history of Lennox Twnsp. which was established in early 1836.
According to 1870 census Mary was born in MI in 1815. Their daughter
Bridget was born on March 3, 1842 on the family farm on Old Stone Rd.
Bridget also had a younger brother named Owen who was born abt. 1849. I'm
looking for the parents of both Owen (Sr.) & Mary also any siblings they
may have had. I'm also looking for any other children that they may have
had. Bridget married James SULLIVAN and died March 22, 1932 at the age of
92. slp
Charles & Sharon Papp
DATE: 09 April, 2001
NAME:Wolfgang Garz
I am looking for information about Ernest GARZ, b. 10 August 1884
in Gross Dubsow, Stolp, Prussia (Slupsk, Poland), d. June 1967
Saint Clair Shores, Michigan. The SSN was issued in New York.
Wolfgang Garz
DATE: 16 April, 2001
NAME:Stephen LePla
I am searching for the surname of LePla.
I have gotten back to 1866 so far.
My grandfather was Robert W.B. LePla
his parents were Fred and Ethel(Dobson)Lepla
his were William and Sarah(Jones)married 12 October 1866
his parents were Samuel and Mary(Harvey)
So far this is as far back as I have gotten,
If any one has some more knowledge of my family tree please let me know.
Stephen LePla
DATE: 16 April, 2001
NAME:Sharon Smith
I am trying to verify some information on my
gg grandfather, Benjamin DECKER. I was told that he lived in Romeo, MI
(MaComb Co.) in the years between 1845-1862. There he married Betsey
WHIPPLE, in 1850. They had four children: Mary A., Franklin B., Martha
A. and Betsey. Betsey Whipple died in Romeo, MI before 1862. I hope to
see if this is correct and where Betsey is buried? Also who are Benjamin
Decker's parents?
Sharon Smith
DATE: 08 May, 2001
NAME:Joyce Phillips
Searching for information on Nancy SCOTT born 10 Oct 1814, Ontario, CN, died 20 Aug 1870 Sterling twp, Macomb, MI. Married George STEAD 16 mar 1833. Her parents MAY have been Elijah and Nancy Scott.Thanks,
Joyce Phillips
DATE: 08 May, 2001
NAME:Joyce Phillips
Searching for info on Peter OBER, born 1811, NY and died ? Macomb Co, MI and his wife Jane, born 1817, NY, and died ca. 1860, Macomb Co. Thank you,
Joyce Phillips
DATE: 21 May, 2001
NAME:Richard Bernard
Looking for into on my grandfather, Edwin Frank BERNARD who was born in 1857 in Macomb County Michigan. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Richard Bernard
DATE: 04 June, 2001
NAME:Darcy Boock
Magdalena Alvina BUROW, was born 11 May 1908 in Detroit, daughter of
Herman and Anna (Reinke) Burow. She was living in Washington, MI in
1953. Did she ever marry and if so, what was her married name? Thank you!
Darcy Boock
DATE: 06 June, 2001
NAME:Pauli Sears
Am researching the name of William Wallace MILLER. He married Lizzie Lavella HENDERSON in 1879. In my research I came across the name of William W. MILLER who married Lorinda L. AUSTIN on Feb 22, 1849 in Macomb County. William Wallace and Lizzie were my g-grandparents. I am wondering if the two Williams are connected - perhaps father and son.....?
Pauli Sears
DATE: 04 July, 2001
NAME:Richard Griffin
Looking for information about Henry JOHNS. Born April 9,1840;died May 14,1917.
Son of Franklin and Mary Bolio Johns. Served with Co.F,22nd. Mich. Inf.Married to
Mary Jane Briggs.who died Sept. 7,1892. Then married Annie Sutton,who died
April19,1910.Would appreciate any help anyone can give me.
Richard Griffin
DATE: 16 July, 2001
NAME:Jean Westphal (no email address - cannot be contacted!)
I am looking for Charles WEBSTER and Hopey BRAINERD,Webster, who lived in Macomb County in the1820's - 1850's. They had 10 children that I know of. Charles, Ursula, Almira, Caroline, Daniel, Henry, John, Louiza, Martha and Sheldon. All of these children were born in Macomb County. I suspect that Charles and Hopey were married in Macomb County in 1826. They moved to Millington, MI., Tuscola County and are in the 1860 census there.
I can not find any of the children except Sheldon in the Millington cemetery and believe that some of them are buried in Macomb County.
If anyone has any information or could do census and cemetery look-ups and send me the information it would be greatly appreciated. I would be more than willing to compensate for this information. SEE BELOW for a reply to this query!
Jean Westphal
DATE: 13 Jan 2003
NAME:Lorelei Maison Rockwell
I am descended from Hope Smith Brainerd's younger sister Clarissa who
married David DICE. I have a lot of info on the ancestry of this family
going back to the original immigrant Daniel Brainerd. Probably you too have
this data. My work was done in 1990 and before.
I have 13 children for Charles and Hopey, two of whom are listed as
questionable. Besides those you list I have Mary Ann b 1828 [questionable]
Marie d at age 28 [also has been questioned] and George Warren Webster b 16
Aug 1852, d 23 Feb 1946 in Tuscola Co MI. He md Eleanor/Mary Ellen Woodbeck.
I have spouses for Ursula, Mary Ann, Louisa and a first name for Sheldon's
spouse. I have the family in the 1840 census. And I have a note on their
location in the 1850 census. Probably you have this as well. Perhaps now you
are subscribing to ancestry.com where all the censuses are easy to check
page by page.
Have you used the 1909 Brainerd Genealogy? Much of the data I have came from
that and the Millington Twp Cemetery and Death Records book published
Let me know where you are in your research and geographically and let's see
if we have more data to exchange.
Incidentally, I found you by accident in a search for the WESTPHAL surname.
Are you researching any Westphal's in MI? I'm looking for a DEFER connection
to a Catherine Margaret Defer bc 1874 who married an unknown WESTPHAL.
Lorelei Maison Rockwell
DATE: 04 July, 2001
NAME:David Luchtman (no email)
I am researching the LUCHTMAN Family.
My great uncle Arthur C. Luchtman owned and operated a Saw Mill located on Luchtman Road.
This Road is located at 25 Mile and Romeo Blank. He was born in Macomb County Michigan October 1886.
Date of Death: December 11, 1966 County of Death Macomb. Any Information or connections would be greatly appreciated.
(Webmaster note: see following query, which is in reply to this query)
David Luchtman
DATE: 28 September 2002
NAME:Virginia Luchtman Kelly
Arthur C. Luchtman was my great uncle. I believe his brother was my grandfather, William Luchtman (also spelled Wilhelm Luchtmann). His father was John Luchtman
and his mother Lizzie Stark Luchtman.
Arthur Luchtman owned a saw mill at 25 mile and Romeo Plank Rd. He lost an arm
in an accident. Later he owned a gas station in Mt, Clemens, MI. He is buried in
Clinton Groce Cemetary in Mt. Clemens.
Hope this is helpful.
Virginia Luchtman Kelly
DATE: 31 July, 2001
NAME:Tina (Hummel) Kacanowski
I am researching the Frederick ( Friedrich) HUMMEL and the Ferdinand ROHRBECK families. The HUMMEL's lived on Moravian Drive in Clinton Township, and the ROHRBECK's lived on Utica Road near Fraser.
On the HUMMEL side I am looking for any information on old Fred's wife, Wilhelmiene FAULMANN (1853-1907), daughter of John and Mary FAULMANN. It is rumored in the family that she was Catholic. Does anyone know what church she may have been buried out of? She is buried in St. John's Cemetery in Fraser. She had 6 brothers and sisters. The ones I know of are William, Fredericka, Louise, Theodore, Ralph, Leonard, and Viola. Thank you for any information on the FAULMANNs.
On the ROHRBECK side I am looking to find any information on William ROHRBECK who lived in the Mt. Clemens area, who is believed to be a brother to Ferdinand ROHRBECK(1855-1936). It is said that they were brothers, but that on the side of William no relation was claimed. There is listed in the register from both Ferdinand ROHRBECK and his wife Wilhelmina KUKUK's(1859-1935) funerals a Mrs. Flora ROHRBECK. I think that she was an OEMKE, and that she may have been married to a Ferdinand ROHRBECK who died about 1945.
On a side note to any interested parties, about 1955 Ferdinand and Wilhelmina Rohrbeck's graves were moved to Clinton Grove Cemetery in Mt. Clemens from St. John's Cemetery in Fraser, along with their daughters Laura (Lora) Rohrbeck and Josephine Rohrbeck and son Herman Rohrbeck. The large headstone which sat for years in Fraser is now at Clinton Grove Cemetery.
Thank you for any help.
Tina (Hummel) Kacanowski
DATE: 31 July, 2001
NAME:Jim Greve
I am searching for information on this family - specifically William and his
son Gustav. I found them in the 1870 and 1880 Macomb census, but not in the
1900 census. Wondering what happened to them. Any info. would be
Jim Greve
DATE: 31 July, 2001
NAME:Dave Kromm
I am Macomb county native that has lived in Kansas for nearly 35 years.
My greatgrandparents, Henry Henning and Sophia Hintz emigrated from
Mecklenburg (now in Germany) to Macomb county in 1852 and purchased a farm
in Erin Township (near present day 12 Mile Road west of Jefferson) that
same decade. Both my grandfather, David Henning (1859-1933), and mother,
Isabel Henning Kromm (1902-1985), were born on that farm. Sophia died in
1902 and Henry in 1909. They are buried in Erin Grove Cemetery.
I don't know a whole lot more, but I submitted two photos of the family
from the 1890s to the Macomb County Pictorial History, and I am hoping
these various contacts will lead to additional information.
Dave Kromm
DATE: 08 November, 2001
NAME:David E. Kern
I am trying to compile a list of decendants that
have ancestors buried in Erin Grove Cemetery.
My purpose is to compile the necessary data
to have it set aside as a Historical Site.
Any one who has an ancestor buried there and
any stories or pictures you may have about the area please
forward them to me- thank you!
David E. Kern
DATE: 15 November, 2001
NAME:Joyce Phillips
I am looking for more information about the family who donated part of
their farm to the Millar Family Cemetery in Clinton twp, Macomb Co. I
believe my ancestor, Jane Miller, who married Peter Ober, belongs to the
According to the "History of Macomb Co", pub 1882, John Miller, from
Scotland brought his family via New York state to Macomb Co in 1831. His
son, Dykes Millar, married Emma Harvey and had John, James, Robert and a
daughter Belle. HIS son, Robert, married a Mary Shanley. Most of them are
buried in the Millar Family Cemetery.
I would love to find out more about the Millar/Miller family and how my
ancestor, Jane Miller Ober, fits in. I think she may have been a daughter
of John as she was born in 1818 in NY. Please write if you can add to this!
Joyce Phillips
DATE: 20 November, 2001
NAME:George J. Marsack III
I have been researching the MARSAC/MARSACK family ancestory for weeks and
keep drawing a blank around 1820. Originally we are decended from Jacob
Marsac, France, came with Cadillac to Detroit in 1701 as sergeant in the
French Marines. The family owned property (French Ribbon Farms) in
Grosse points. Looking for the connection to the New Baltimore Branch of
the Family. I was born in Mt. Clemens, Grand parents in New Baltimore.
Have found land records stating Francois Marsac owned land (cir. 1811)
near Swan Creek and Ridge Road(Ira Twp. I think) can you please help me
make a reasonable connection? My grandfather was George D.Marsack, I
believe his father was Danial Marsack. from there I'm Stuck. Any help
you could provide will be sincerely appreciated. Thank you for your time
and effort.
George J. Marsack III
DATE:07 December, 2001
NAME:Anne Bays
I am searching for the John M. CRAWFORD family who lived in Macomb County in 1850 through at least 1870.
I have found them in the 1850 and 1870 census, and according to the census Index they should be in the Washington area of the County on page 715 for the 1860 census. I only have the census images that are posted on Ancestry and when I go to the 1860 Macomb County census, they only give me 3 townships -- Lenox, Harrison and Chesterfield, none of which seem to have any connection to Washington or my Crawfords. Does anyone have access to the 1870 census who could do a lookup of this family for me? Thank you!
Anne Bays
DATE:31 December, 2001
NAME:Vicki Moorhead
Looking for Andrew A. HICKS and ? Wooden Son is Alfred J. Hicks born 1906 in Romeo Michigan.
Alfred J. Hicks married Grace WILLETTE in Sault Ste. Marie Michigan
Vicki Moorhead
DATE:31 December, 2001
I am writing from Australia and trying to put together my links to the
WELLINGTONS. I am looking for any information on the following whose
cemetery transcriptions show Matilda Wellington B 20/5/1802 d 1/4/1890 ( I
believe that she received a pension as a mother for the death of her son
Martin in the Civil War), Martin L d 3/5/1865 ( son of Luther and Matilda )
26 years, and Luther d 10/3/1839 (41 yrs). These transcriptions were
forwarded to me from Mt Clemens Public Library.
Any help would be most appreciated,
Diane of Brisbane, Australia
DATE:14 January, 2002
NAME:Larry Remington
I am looking for any info about Hiram,Hannah,John Wesley or Rachel
They were in Macomb county around 1830-1860. Any help is appreciated.
Larry Remington
DATE:21 January, 2002
NAME:Anne Klingler
I am searching for the parents of Daniel Kniffen. He came to Macomb from Rush, New York in 1826. He married Emily Preston in 1827. They had 9 children.
Anne Klingler
DATE:10 February, 2002
NAME:B J Sanderson
In the 1882 Macomb County, Michigan marriage records there is a J. M. GORDON listed as Minister of the Gospel.
Does anyone know to which church he belonged to? His is mentioned in connection with several marriage, including: Moses Laturno & Amelia Sharbonaw (Charbonneau), James Stewart & Francis Tucker . This was evidently a term used for Ministers of different religious faiths instead of identifying which faith they were associated with. I recognize some of the names connected to the title Minister of the Gospel as Priest from St. Peter's Church.
B J Sanderson
DATE:11 February, 2002
NAME:Donna Henderson
I am seeking information regarding families with the surname KOTT (Kot, Cott, Cot). My paternal grandfather, Frank Kott (aka Francis Kot) was born circa 1900 in Poland. We know that between 1920 - 1926 he lived in Hamtramck, Michigan. After 1926, the family lost track of him. We believe he had relatives in Macomb County. Any leads would be deeply appreciated.
Donna Henderson
DATE:21 March, 2002
NAME:Lois Howe (email no longer working)
Searching for Edward HOWE born 1797 Vermont married Olive ??. Daughter Olive born 1847 Macomb Co,. Mi. Married Daniel Everette MillspaughSee query below from another researcher for further info.
Lois Howe
DATE:13 January 2003
NAME:Nancy LeBlanc
This is in reply to the above query: I am responding to a query from Lois Howe requesting information on EDWARD HOWE born 1797 in VT. He married Olive Barnum in Canada in 1820.
Nancy LeBlanc
DATE:16 April, 2002
NAME:Barbara Potter Lamphere
Any LAMPHERE of Macomb County, MI from 1840 to present. I have the following couples: Hiram (b. 1808) & Elizabeth (b. 1813) Lamphere; William (b. abt 1827) & Sarah (Lamphere) (b. 1833/34) Ormsby; Oliver and Harriet (Lamphere) (b. 1841/42) Derand; John (b. abt 1844) and Marilla (Webster) (b. abt 1851) Lamphere - John also married a Hattie Green; Hiram (b. abt 1846) and Jannie (Hunt) (b. abt 1846/48) Lamphere. Two of John and Marilla's children migrated North to Shiawassee County, MI.
Barbara Potter Lamphere
DATE:16 April, 2002
NAME:Linda C. Pope
My great-grandfather, Elmer Floyd Hall's death certificate states he died in Oregon and was born to Rineldo Hall and Callie Hand Hall Oct. 4 1880 in Richmond, MI. Rineldo was listed as born in Richmond, MI and Callie was listed as born in MI.
I am suspect about the spelling of these given names; I am sure about Hall and Hand is difficult to misspell. Any leads on these folks would be helpful. My family is mainly from Oklahoma and Texas, so this branch of the family seems particularly illusive
Linda C. Pope
DATE:16 April, 2002
NAME:Melanie Stevens Mattson
Dr James Cyrus Stevens (b. 7-25-1862 Ann Arbor, MI ; d. 6-22-1946; dentist in Detroit) lived in Romeo, Macomb Co, MI. He was married to Ella M. Hangsterfer (d. 10-16-1950 Macomb Co, MI). They had a son, Wilfred Stuart Thompson. Would like to get an obit for Ella Hangsterfer Stevens.
Melanie Stevens Mattson
DATE:15 May, 2002
NAME:Jenniffer Sopko
I am looking for any information on MARTIN & MARY PELKA who are my great
grandparents. Martin was born in Nov. 1900 in Czechoslovakia . He met and
married Mary Martin around the very early 1920's. Mary was born to John
Gilbert Martin and Mary (Rattail/Rattel?) Martin in 1905. The couple
divorced and John Gilbert Martin remarried and had at least one more son
that I know of.
Any information would be helpful. All parties metioned above lived the
majority of their lives in Macomb County and to the best of my knowledge are
all buried in Prestonville Cemetary in Shelby Township.
Thank you for any and all help.
Jenniffer Sopko
DATE:22 May, 2002
NAME:Annette Broms
I´m Looking for living realitives. We had two brothers to my grandfather who
emigrate to America about 1904-08. I think I have found one of the boys in
New Haven Macomb where he died 1976 or-77 I have this SSN nr. 365-01-5129
Residence:48051 New Haven Macomb MI His name was John Edward JOHNSON born 16
Jan 1884 (in Sweden)Last benefit: Died Mar 1976 Issued MI (before 1951) this
is from the social death index I think.Can you help me with what to do?
Yours sincerely (Please see related query, immediately above)
Annette Broms
DATE:31 May, 2002
NAME:David P. Smith
I am interested in locating information on Benjamin TROMBLEY and his wife, a woman by the name of Mary. Mary had a middle initial of L and was born in Mt. Clemens on June 27, 1866. Benjamin was born in 1859 in Michigan but I am not positive as to just where. Their children were Nancy who was born in Mt. Clemens on November 30, 1884 (she married James Reid and is my great grandmother on my mother's side), Mary (she married a man with the last name of Townsend), Blanch born on July 14, 1888, Joseph who was born in Shelby Township on May 13, 1891, Francis (she also married Townsend who's first name was Herbert), Maggie, and Harold. Benjamin and Mary relocated with some of the children to Turner, Michigan sometime prior to 1900. It is also believed that one of the daughters married a man named Charles Weishuhn. Any information on the Trombley's, Townsend's and Weishuhn's would be greatly appreciated
David P. Smith
DATE:10 June, 2002
NAME:Gerald Conant
Abraham Conat m Amanda Smith
Looking for marriage record for Abraham and Amanda, birth of son charles, possible death record for Abraham and Amanda.
Amanda died winter of 1883-84, Abraham after ? 1884. Amanda born .abt 1850-51. They married abt 1865, Charles born 1866. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Gerald Conant
DATE:07 July, 2002
NAME:Trisch Hall
Joab (b.circa 1747) and Electa (Reed) SYLVESTER, Richard Sylvester (b. circa 1812), and Leonard Sylvester (b. circa 1824) from Canada to Shelby and Sterling, Macomb County. 1860 census shows Rachael Sylvester (b.circa 1780). Mary Sylvester (b.circa 1833) m. Samuel Pitts in April 1850. Electa is buried in old cemetery in Utica. Richard is buried in Edgerton cemetery. Wish to correspond with others connected to these family lines. Thank you.
Trisch Hall
DATE:15 July, 2002
NAME:Jessica Downey
I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about an Edwin HULL. He
lived during the late 1800's in Almont, Michigan and the family owned a
hobby shop called "Hull's Hobby Shop"and it was located in what is now the
garage of the house. Any information about him, or a Hull family that
resided in Almont during this time period would be greatly appreciated.
Jessica Downey
DATE:15 July, 2002
NAME:Anne Allen
I have been conducting some family research and was intrigued to discover that
2 generations of a branch of my family emigrated to Macomb. They were
originally from Spennithorne, North Yorkshire, UK and according to family
notes were :Gilbert LONGSTAFF (born 1792) and his brother Richard (1796).
Gilbert's son William (+2 brothers?)also emigrated. Gilbert's brother John
Longstaff was my ggg grandfather. Two of John's sons, Richard ( born1828)
and Mark,(born1834) also went to Macomb. I would love to know what happened
to them and like to dwell on their courage in making such an enormous
Anne Allen
DATE:05 August, 2002
NAME:Teresa Allen
I am doing research into two families that lived in Mt. Clemens, Macomb County, Michigan around 1920. A man by the name of Albert ORMEROD was a butcher (Wife's name - Alice) with 3 girls, Eva, Jean, Eunice and 1 boy Rolland. I believe Albert owned and operated a butcher shop. His daughter Eunice married Walter Smith. Walter's mother, Sarah Heath, operated a boarding house in Mt. Clemens and his father was a potter by the name of Rueben. I believe that about this time, Rueben has a court ordered injunction filed against him to stay away from Pottery workers presumably because of his overt union activities. If you can help me it would be most appreciate.
Teresa Allen
DATE:05 September, 2002
NAME:Rose Albin
I am looking for information on my g.g. grandfather Anson CONANT who
married Ellen (or variation) Van Buren. It was probably around the
1850's or so. I believe he lived in Metamora and then made his way to
Tuscola County. Any Conant information would be helpful, also. My other
search is for Calvin S. Clark,his son was Alphonso CLARK who was in
Macomb County for a short while around 1829-35 perhaps. Thanks.
Rose Albin
DATE:29 September, 2002
NAME:Janet Merchant
Searching for connections to Millard SWARTHOUT. Lived in Macomb County and is on 1920 Michigan Census. He died there in 1923. Can't find death record anywhere. He was married to Eugena Mary Hall, but not sure if she was still living after 1920s. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Janet Merchant
DATE:13 October, 2002
NAME:Paul Scott
I am searching for any information or possible relatives of either Walter or William SCOTT, my great and great-great grandfathers. William I think is buried in the Armada area. Walter had 2 children while living in Armada, Mary "Olive", and Walter jr. Have a lot of Scott family information to share, but the time my ancestors were in the Armada area, after they came from Ontario in 1875 is a gray area. Thank you to anyone who can help
Paul Scott
DATE:29 October, 2002
NAME:Kelly Spencer
My grandmother has told me that her mother Ethel DAVEY was born in Mount
Clemens. Her DOB was June 4, 1900 and her parents were James and Margaret
(HINDLE) DAVEY. I see a listing for a James DAVEY in the 1901 city
directory and also note that Mount Clemens is on the Grand Trunk Railway, as
is Brampton, Ontario where Ethel spent most of her 89 years. My question to
you locals is why this farm family would have moved to Mount Clemens around
the turn of the century for a short period. Any thoughts would be good. I
intend to run theories past my grandmother to see if any of them remind her
of stories she heard from her mother.
Kelly Spencer
DATE:31 October, 2002
NAME:Tina (Hummel) Kacanowski
Does anyone know anything about Arthur HURTTGAM, born Jan 27, 1886? He left home in 1901 as a teenager. His parents were John and Louisa (LOOSE) HURTTGAM. Two of his brothers swore that they would see him around Cady's Corners and Mt. Clemens. Arthur also may have showed up at Herbert HURTTGAM's funeral (my great-grandpa) in 1967. It is also believed that he may have changed his name. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Tina (Hummel) Kacanowski
DATE:20 November, 2002
NAME:David Eick
Ancestry.com has a Conrad EICK in the 1930 Census April 10, living in Macomb co. on Jefferson Ave. Age 45, claiming from Russia, single, owner of his house, parents from Germany, a farmer. I am seeking more information about G-Uncle Conrad. I have been told he died accidentally sometime in the 1930's or 40's, but haven't found any record of this. Can anyone help me out?
I do know he was the son of Charles Eick buried in Utica Cemetery. I have not been able to find out if he is buried there. The Eicks (Charles, Edward and Conrad at least) immigrated to the U.S. abt. 1890, I believe. I am trying to find out all I can about this mysterious g-Uncle, so as to learn more about my grandfather, Edward Eick, and "reunite" Conrad with our small family. I wonder, too,if he had any descendants or was ever married?
Thank you for any help you can provide. Please e-mail me with leads.
David Eick
DATE:21 November, 2002
NAME:Fred Buike
Looking for anything about the SMITH's of Romeo. John P to Oel J to Frederick P. Too many Smiths to randomly search.
I am the great grandson of Frederick P and
Lillian Brewer Smith.
Thank you for your time.
Fred Buike
DATE:25 November, 2002
NAME:Kathy Peltier
I am trying to find out information on George Theophile PELTIER, born December 29, 1885 in Detroit. He was the son of Peter PELTIER and Virginia DEAUVILLE. In 1909, at least, I believe he was living in Mt. Clemens. After his marriage in 1911, I believe he lived in Detroit. Any information would be appreciated!
Kathy Peltier
DATE:01 December, 2002
NAME:William Wilde
I am looking for info on my g.g.grandparents George and Maria HASSELHUHN who were living in Erin, Mich. according to the 1880 census.
William Wilde
DATE:05 December, 2002
NAME:Shirley Aabjerg
ELVES - Austin ELVES, 42, born Canada, living in Fraser Village , Macomb, MI. In 1920 census and in 1930 census is listed with wife Florence, and daughters Dorothy, 12 and Marguerite. Would appreciate further information. Thank you,
Shirley Aabjerg
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