========= Beginning October 1, 2006 ============
I had to move your account(s) over to a new email server.
The old server is dying, as you probably have noticed.
All email accounts have moved so new mail for your ccount
has been going to the new server for some time.
============= Move instructions for Outlook ===================
Change your outlook to reflect the new setup like so:
tools | accounts | mail.ole.net
On the "General" tab
Email address stays the same: "[username]@[domain.com]" (you may
be using Signet-isp.com, or your own domain.com instead of ole.net).
NOTE: If you have a domain, all accounts in your domain are moving to
the new server. Call me with questions 586-419-0485 (Brad).
On the "Servers" tab:
If you are an ole.net/Signet-isp.com email account:
Server information------------------------------
My incoming server is a POP3 server
Incoming mail [pop3] es3.ole.net
Outgoing mail [smtp] es3.ole.net
If you have your own domain:
Server information------------------------------
My incoming server is a POP3 server
Incoming mail [pop3] mail.[domain.com]
Outgoing mail [smtp] mail.[domain.com]
Incoming mail server:------------------------
Account name [username]@[domain.com] If this is an ole.net email
account, then the "domain.com" part will be es3.ole.net
Outgoing mail server -------------------------
[x] My server requires authentication
EXAMPLE: "Account name" for an ole.net account:
Account name bshelton@es3.ole.net
EXAMPLE: "Account name" for a donner.com account:
Account name bshelton@donner.com
============= Move instructions for WebMail ==================
The URL for the new WebMail server is:
For ole.net/Signet-isp.com accounts = http://webmail3.ole.net
For domain.com accounts = http://mail.[domain.com]/webmail
Login: [username]@[youdomain.com]
Example WebMail login for donner.com user: http://mail.donner.com/webmail
Login Name: bshelton@donner.com
Example WebMail login for SigneTech.net user: http://webmail3.ole.net
Login Name: bshelton@es3.ole.net
Call if you have questions (586-419-0485).